We have been asked by Sport Ireland to circulate a survey to seek your clubs perceived needs in regard to health promotion.
Sports clubs have incredible untapped potential to invest in health promotion beyond sport participation. To capture how public policy can support health promotion in sports clubs in Ireland, Sport Ireland and the University of Limerick are running a study collecting your sports club’s perceived needs in regard to health promotion. By completing the present survey, you will help us to (1) define the priority areas in terms of health promotion in sport in the future and (2) identify the types of support required by sports clubs to develop health promotion.
Completing the survey is voluntary, will take you approximately 15 minutes and will offer you the unique chance to win a 500 euros voucher for your club.
Click here to access the survey
The survey entails questions about your sports club principally, and is based on your own perceptions of what your sports club has achieved so far. The study has been approved by an ethical committee at the University of Limerick.