Any club wishing to follow the Rowing Ireland HP Club Training Programme are asked to register their interest in receiving a copy of this programme by emailing to indicate that their club is interested in following this program and request a copy.
To be eligible to receive this programme club captains must nominate one person within their club structure, ideally, the clubs head coach, to take responsibility for receiving, distributing and explaining this programme to all club coaches and athletes interested in following the programme.
Clubs without a head coach may nominate another coach or club captain that is willing to take responsibility for this programme within the club. Questions and feedback regarding the programme will then go through this head coach (between HP and club) only.
This programme will only be available to RI affiliated clubs. For those athletes that are part of the HP process, they will receive a separate HP program as appropriate but this will only be for a minority of athletes currently part of the HP team or training groups.