Coming up next week:
With schools back last week, the lovely summer evenings coming in and clubs back on the water from the 26th April. Next week will be our last Row with the Pros week until the winter. We hope you enjoyed all the sessions. You can sign up for next weeks sessions in the form below:
Kenny MacDonald
On Tuesday evening 20th April at 7pm world masters indoor record holder at both 500m and 1000m Kenny MacDonald will do 45 seconds on 15 seconds off x 20 x 2. This is sure to be a sweat fest!
George Foley
In a change to the schedule Chloe Mehigan from our Balance is Better programme will do a session on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm
Neville Maxwell
Also due to an illness Niall O Toole will take Neville’s erg class at 5.30pm on Thursday evening
Claire Lambe
On Friday evening 23rd April Rio 2016 Olympic finalist and boat race winner with Cambridge Claire Lambe is back to deliver another fantastic Core session.