After this year’s AGM, the results that were presented on constitutional reform were checked and validated.

The review found that not all of the clubs that were registered cast a vote in each of the 11 reforms proposed.

There was an option to select “abstain” and some clubs used this option when they did not vote, while some did not vote at all.

This resulted in the following outcomes.

  • A varying amount of total votes cast across the 11 proposals from 54 to 55
  • An amount of abstentions reported that were added to total votes, which was inaccurate
  • An inaccurate ratio of “votes for” to “votes cast” being reported at the AGM because of (ii) above

Since the ballot results were kept secret until the time of reporting, there was no opportunity to scrutinise the results beforehand or report on these issues.

The results have now been properly checked, corrected and the full vote count is reported below for transparency.

While all votes for change were majorities, a 75% threshold applies to special resolutions and only those over 75% are considered “motion passed”.  

This affects one reported result only (No. 9) and we have determined that the AGM actually voted to increase the number of independent Directors from 2 to 3.

The full results below will be provided to the Secretary to add to the draft minutes of the AGM.

Proposal No. Description For Against Eligible votes castAbstained ForAgainstPassedMargin
Proposal 1Administrative amendments to the Memorandum of Association in Sections 1, 3 (h), 3 (j), 3 (k), 3(l), 3 (r), 3(s), 3 (t) and throughout sections 1-7 for completeness so as to align it wit best practice and correct previous typographical errors and incorrect usage of defined terms. 48553191%9%Yes16%
Proposal 2To make administrative amendments to the Articles of Association in its interpretation and throughout for completeness so as to align it with best practice and correct previous errors, improve language and amend incorrect usage of defined terms. Also to make transparent (i) the difference between operational and strategic sub-committees and (ii) the requirement to allow Company implement findings from audits and best practice e.g. financial, process, legal, safeguarding, safety etc. 47653189%11%Yes14%
Proposal 3To remove the regional representatives role, update the VP roles and increase the number of Vice Presidents allowing one nominated by Coastal & Offshore and the other by registered athletes. To align the branches for administration and funding : Connacht to Connacht/Ulster and the six counties to Northern Ireland. 371754069%31%No-6%
Proposal 4To increase the allowed Members of the Company from 200 to unlimited 51354194%6%Yes19%
Proposal 5To implement a gender balance quota of 40% of either gender at Board level 42850584%16%Yes9%
Proposal 6To appoint a Chairperson from the Board based on experience thereby separating that traditional duty from the President and allowing rotation as required 341953264%36%No-11%
Proposal 7To allow a Treasurer to be elected from of the Board based on experience and competency thereby eliminating the need for an elected Treasurer 371653270%30%No-5%
Proposal 8To require the President to serve a reduced term (previously two years now just one) post-Presidency 371451473%27%No-2%
Proposal 9To increase the number of Independent directors to three from two. 411152379%21%Yes4%
Proposal 10To improve the administrative provisions for removal of Directors in line with Company law 47754187%13%Yes12%
Proposal 11To revise the Company notice periods and provisions in line with Company law 51253296%4%Yes21%