Get Going Get Rowing

At Get Going…Get Rowing we want to give students a Sport and pathway for life through introducing as many schools as possible to Rowing.
How does Get Going…Get Rowing work?
- Rowing Ireland will bring rowing machines to your school or you will partner a rowing ireland club to conduct classes in.
- The programme will provide a fully training Community Coach as part of PE class
- All community coaches are Rowing Ireland Garda vetted in line with Sport Ireland recommendations
- The classes are structured but fun and include rowing whilst learning the Olympic values (respect, dignity, fairplay)
- As part of the initiative you will be given the option to experience a minimum of one on the water session
- Schools are invited to take part in at least one Get Rowing #Blitzit events (Trinity, Carlow, UL, Hanover Quay)
Partnerships with schools and the requirements
- The schools must be within a 30-minute drive of a Rowing Ireland affiliated Rowing club.
- Give access to Rowing Ireland staff partners during PE time to facilitate the delivery of the programme
- Keep the machines safe and facilitate in the maintenance and upkeep if necessary of the rowing machines.
- Attend one or more #Blitzit events and the All Ireland #Blitzit (water & land).
- The programme is a minimum of 4-6 weeks in duration.
- Get Going…Get Rowing (Rowing Ireland) have full ownership of the programme under its February 2014 launch.
- The Get Going…Get Rowing programme is led by Rowing Ireland in conjunction with a primary partner (Local Sports partnership, Youth services or academic institutions)
Come on board and join us in this fun active programme. In 2019, there were over 30,000 students engaged in the programme.
Check out our TrY Rowing peer-led Leadership programme to add value to your school’s rowing experience. Don’t forget to read our testimonials from teachers, parents and students here on our website