Renewal Seminars

A final renewal seminar will take place on Tuesday 19th April, 7pm (via zoom) for any licence renewals. Any licence due to expire in 2022 (31st December) can renew in early 2023 before the regatta season commences. There will be no further renewal sessions until early 2023. Zoom link will be emailed to umpires on Tuesday 19th April. 

New Umpire exam

We are hosting an exam session for any new umpires wishing to sit the umpires exam on Sunday 1st May (Afternoon time TBC, in Dublin). The exam comprises of rules seminar, written paper and practical examination. This session is for new umpires only.

· To sit the exam you must be at least 18yrs old

· Having passed the examination, candidates who are considered to have the confidence to commence umpiring on their own are awarded full licences. More commonly, however, successful candidates are awarded “provisional” licences. This means that the holder must officiate at a minimum of two different regattas under the supervision of two different a licenced umpires to obtain their licence. If the provisional holder fails to officiate at two regattas under supervision the licence lapses and the entire examination must again be undertaken in a subsequent year. Licences are valid for a period of four years.

You can sign up to either session here:

Please direct any queries to