We want to include all abilities in our sport and we were delighted to support our clubs recently on grant applications for rowability equipment. Clubs will be informed this week as to the results of this allocation.
We are now also conducting a survey on the para/adaptive/mixed ability rowing activities currently being facilitated by clubs in Ireland. We look to push forward with inclusion in our sport, increasing and diversifying participation in rowing. Establishing our current standing with para/adaptive/mixed ability rowing activities will allow us to get an idea of where we’re at and what areas we can work on.
If your club is involved or would like to be involved in Para, adaptive or Mixed ability rowing please fill out the form below by 5pm, Friday 24th February.
A working group is being put together with the aim of improving inclusivity in rowing. If you have any interest in joining this working group, please send your expression of interest to getrowing@rowingireland.ie