Rowing Ireland is inviting the Irish rowing community to participate in Row Your Demons, which takes place between the 25th and 31st of October.

Rowing Ireland is delighted to be working alongside turn2me, St. Patrick’s Rowing Club, and Crew Class for launching this new initiative.

We’re asking for our rowing community to take part and support this fantastic initiative. We want individuals, families, and teams, to row a total of 60 minutes during the week and support turn2me’s online mental health services. 

Participation is easy

1. Sign up at

2. Book your seat via eventbrite or set up a donation page on

3. Row a total of 60 mins between October 25th and 31st

How it works

You can participate at home, in your club, on the water, or at the gym, and row for one hour straight. Alternatively, you can spread the challenge across Row Your Demons week in 5, 10 or 15-minute sprints, amassing a total of 60 minutes rowed. Ask friends and family to sponsor you or get them to join in and complete Row Your Demons between them.

Make sure you wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Warm-up and cool down to avoid injury. Olympic Rower Niall O’Toole’s tips on getting Row Your Demons Ready can be found here.

Seats cost €50 per person and you can have people sponsor you by setting up a sponsorship page on or on Facebook. We have produced merchandise (T-shirts) to support the event and every purchase will include a contribution towards the Green Blades development fund.

Row Your demons is a positive way for us as an organisation to open up and highlight the importance of mental health and well-being. The action of rowing blocks out distractions and requires focus. It is easy to get involved with the event which is open to rowers of all levels.

Every euro donated supports Turn2me’s work so that mental health support is available at your fingertips through their mobile-friendly online platform Turn2me. Turn2me offers peer support services to adults and young people aged 12 plus and one to one counselling to adults.

Turn2me’s platform is purpose-built, confidential, and delivers secure online mental health services. Turn2me’s clinical team has scheduled a series of Row Your Demons peer groups during the event. The groups are confidential and anonymous and are open to anyone who wants to find out more about mental health and well-being. You must register as a user with Turn2me to participate in the peer group. There are separate peer groups for adults and young people aged 12 and over. In the coming weeks, a number of talks and discussions on mental health and wellbeing for Rowing Ireland clubs will also take place. 

Rowing Ireland will be hosting a webinar with Turn2me in the coming weeks for our clubs and members on Mental Health. Details will be announced shortly.


If you know someone or you are directly affected by any issues raised in this article, visit the Turn2me website for support. If you are in crisis text 50808 for support. If you want to sign up for free peer support groups sessions, you can do so here.

Seats via Eventbrite cost €50 per person plus VAT. You can set up a team page on iDonate to get sponsored to complete your challenge. Participation in Row Your Demons is at your own risk.