Application for Coach Developer Training 2022
Rowing Ireland is seeking applications of interest from members interested in becoming Coach Developers who will deliver the Rowing Ireland Coach Development Programme courses.
The role of the Coach Developer within the Coaching Development Programme for Ireland is an extremely important one. Such Coach Developers will educate and support coaches throughout their coaching career, having been trained in the areas of Coach Education course delivery and Coach Support. They will also be introduced to aspects of Programme Design, which will directly benefit Rowing Ireland. All three strands are underpinned by the theme of Leadership.
Coach Developer training is run by Sport Ireland Coaching ( and will involve attendance at five contact weekends in Limerick and any R.I. Coach Developer-related workshops, distance learning tasks, presentation tasks, observation tasks and delivery of coach education courses. On successful completion of the necessary assessments and graduation, Coach Developers will be expected to commit to the delivery of Rowing Ireland’s coach education programme.
If this sounds like something you are interested in please get in touch with me to discuss further.
Gerry Farrell
Coach Education coordinator