We would like to hear from you about what you feel is important to support girls and women to participate, coach, lead, umpire and to be seen in rowing in Ireland.
Sport Ireland launched a Women in Sport Strategy in 2019 to increase levels of engagement and opportunities across all sport in Ireland in the areas of participation, coaching, umpiring and leadership and governance. To read more about this strategy click HERE
Since receiving funding from a successful application within this strategy, Rowing Ireland have employed a women in sport officer and launched a series of initiatives to tackle the issues within these 4 pillars of the strategy and increase numbers of girls and women involved in these areas of rowing.
Now, we are reflecting on what you, as the membership, have valued and we would like to know what you would like to see more of. Your opinion is valuable to us to shape future programmes and provision. This survey should take no longer than 5- 10 minutes. Please share it with any women in rowing whether rowers, female volunteers, committee members, coaches, umpires etc.
The deadline for completion of this survey is Wednesday 19th of April.
Any queries can be sent to womeninsport@rowingireland.ie