The Get Going Get Rowing 2024 Munster #Blitz will take place on March 8 at the UL Sports Arena.
Races will be 2000m relays on indoor rowing machines. The competition will begin at roughly 10am, starting with the first-year categories of local schools, and run until roughly 3pm. There are separate categories for girls and boys based on school year, rowing experience and rowability categories so that everybody gets a chance to compete and see just how much they’re capable of!
Medals will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each race. The Ailish Sheehan Cup will be awarded to the Best Girls School and the Arthur O’Brien Cup will go to the Best Boys School.
Click HERE to enter your teams.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email Amy at
We look forward to welcoming your school and cheering on your students while they put their rowing skills to the test!