Her Outdoors Week is an annual week long initiative by Sport Ireland to encourage female participation in outdoor activities. The week is becoming increasingly popular and many local sports partnerships around the country are working with rowing clubs to highlight the benefits of rowing to women in their communities. The week ran from August 8th to 15th, and photos and images of the Dublin event are highlighted below. The spotlight was placed on the Dublin event particularly as they welcomed a commendable 21 different groups and organisations from the locality, showing fantastic diversity bringing these groups together to give women a chance to try the sport of rowing. The wonderful August weather and organisation by Dublin Get Rowing Coordinator Aoife Byrne of Neptune Rowing Club set the scene for a fantastic day. Limerick Get Rowing Coordinator Rory O’Neill also ran an event in Limerick with Limerick Sports Partnership. Other smaller, club led events around the country also took place during the course of the week.
Many thanks to Dublin City Sports Partnership for their support with this event.
If your club is thinking of running a Her Outdoors event next year or need assistance running a follow up programme to encourage women in rowing, please email womeninsport@rowingireland for any advice or support.