The next step in the selection process involves a 2k erg test (open rate and drag). The test is primarily for those athletes already invited to the HP training groups based on an accumulation of data from erg scores from October (100m/500m/30 min/6k), November (2k) and December (100m/500m/30min/6k) along with recent international performances.
These groups will be further updated based on this 2k erg test. Only athletes that have completed all previously required testing will be considered for inclusion.
If you as a coach feel you have an athlete that was just outside the recent training groups, has completed all previous requirements and strongly belive that they are World Championship standards please submit these scores as advised below. (Please once again review all recent test results along with the Rowing Ireland High-Performance Benchmark document for guidance before doing so).
- All scores to be submitted on the attached excel sheet along with a screenshot of your screen post-test from the memory on the clock. Please ensure the date is set correctly and set to 500m splits.
- Athletes are encouraged to take part in the Virtual Irish Indoor Rowing Championships but if this is not possible, for any reason, scores will still be accepted. Either way, all scores and screenshots to be submitted in the same manner and by 5pm Sunday 24th January to
- No late scores will be accepted and only scores submitted in the correct format will be accepted
Please note that scores will only be accepted from athletes registered with a Rowing Ireland affiliated club. If you are not registered/affiliated your scores will not be accepted, you will not be included in the official ranking and therefore not considered for future selection opportunities’.
In addition member benefit includes:
Personal accident insurance, not available through most standard club policies
- Insurance Cover – Through Rowing Ireland affiliation and membership you have access to substantial personal accident insurance cover worth over €50 per person.
- Race licence to compete.
- Access to High-Performance programme.
- Admittance to safeguarding and child welfare courses.
- Access to Women in Sport events
- Entry to Rowing Ireland virtual events and workshops
- Access to Rowing Ireland administration and specialist support team.
Rowing Ireland advises all rowers to become a member of Rowing Ireland in order to ensure full cover during all aspects of the sport and to ensure access to all events.
Following these results, further cuts/additions will be made to the High-Performance training groups and further decisions regarding the selection process and trials will be communicated as soon as possible based on updated COVID-19 restrictions and government and Sport Ireland advice.
There will be no further erg tests in January.