Please see the update below from the Irish Rowing Championship Committee.
The 2020 rowing season was devastated as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic. While the Championship Committee planned to run a rescheduled event in September, these plans were dashed as a result of the introduction of tighter Government restrictions. For 2021 the Committee are determined to try and run the Championships even if there are restrictions in place. Planning is already well advanced and there are contingency plans prepared to permit the event run even if there are restrictions of only 200 participants.
Due to the great uncertainty that still prevails however, it is not possible to plan specific details at this time including a date, format and even venue. In this regard we are asking the clubs to provide the Championship Committee with flexibility in a bid to give us the greatest chance of facilitating a Championship Regatta. In exchange we will work to the best of our ability to provide our competitors with an opportunity to race while giving clubs as much notice as possible.
The attached document sets out the details of the planning to date, which will be put forward to the re-convened AGM.
Irish Rowing Championship Committee
2nd December 2020