Event Guidelines


We are working to support our members and clubs with the return to rowing.

 Guidelines for rowing events (flatwater, coastal and offshore) have been continuously updated over the last two years in accordance with government announcements in relation to Covid 19. Rowing Ireland have worked in conjunction with Sport Ireland to provide supporting guidance so that clubs can organise events in a safe manner during the 2021 season. We thank our Covid-19 working group who worked hard to ensure this documentation was functional and comprehensive for your event planning.

 From January 22nd 2022 Covid restrictions surrounding outdoor events (eg. regatttas/ HOR) have been lifted as per the government announcement which can be read again here.

Other downloads available below include the crew change form, should you need to substitute a rower for an event, which is emailed to the event secretary.

Further questions or enquires: 

Applying for an event date: domestic.events@rowingireland.ie

Event enquiries and support: events@rowingireland.ie

Championship enquiries: championships@rowingireland.ie


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