With the announcement this week by the Republic of Ireland government that the country will move into level 5, at midnight on Wednesday 21st October 2020. The COVID-19 working group have made the below recommendations in line with government guidelines.. Northern Ireland restrictions remain the same. The Working Group will continue to monitor the ongoing guidelines from the relevant bodies and will make changes to these recommendations as required.
These guidelines are in line with the Government guidelines, Resilience and Recovery 2020-2021: Plan for living with COVID – 19 documents, (Reference; Gov.ie https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/2dc71-level-5/)
Exercise and sporting events
No training should take place, with the following exceptions:
- non-contact training can continue for school-aged children, outdoors in pods of 15
All other training activities should be individual only.
No exercise classes are permitted.
Regattas, Head of the River and events
No events to take place.
Gyms are closed
Organised outdoor gatherings
(Gov. Definition), These are controlled environments with a named event organiser, owner or manager. For example outdoor Arts events, training events.
No organised outdoor gatherings should take place.
Organised indoor gatherings
(Gov. Definition), These are controlled environments with a named event organiser, owner or manager. For example: business, training events, conferences, events in theatres and cinemas or other arts events.
No organised indoor gatherings should take place.
Domestic travel restrictions
Stay at home
- to take school aged children to permitted training as provided for in the Exercise and Sporting section above, Coaches for these groups are also permitted to travel.
Exercise within 5 kilometres of home.
Dr Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer of Ireland, stated “It isn’t a set of rules to be gotten around, people need to comply, not only with what it says but the spirit of what it says”