The £25m Sports Sustainability Fund is designed to help governing bodies of sport and clubs financially impacted by Covid 19.
This funding is administered by Sport NI with Rowing Ireland Ulster Branch ‘in conjunction with Rowing Ireland’, collating a submission on behalf of affiliated clubs in Northern Ireland.
What clubs are eligible to apply?
All clubs in NI affiliated to the RI Ulster Branch at 4th December 2020 can apply through RIUB by forwarding the excel spreadsheet and attachments providing all required information regarding current, forecasted, and historical finances.
Application Form
The link to the ‘Clubs and Entities spreadsheet’ (application form) is here.
Closing Date
Guidance Notes for clubs are here.
Club submissions should be made to between Jan 11th, and 4pm on 14th January.
We would ask that you provide the contact details of a lead and a reserve point of contact who will act for your club.
This will assist us to send any updates to the correct personnel.
Further information and the application form for clubs are on the Sport NI website.